In many ways the bells project
'Univocally' is a sequel to the Pietà I 'received' for my first solo
exhibition SOLO:
the maker ain't so lonely as before
in Het Concertgebouw in 2010. It also builts on my interest in
ceramics. This series of Russian made porcelain bells is about the
precarious relationship between the viewer and the maker.
'Univocally, 2012' is not just another souvenir-styled gift. The
title of the project describes my artistic desire to go into an
existing production. Univocally is about the different trades within
one process, working together to produce a single object, driven by
perhaps a single purpose. The word univocally also
responds to the sound of a bell, whether or not these seven casts
ever will sound in unison. Six of seven sculpted, moulded and cast
pieces will be handpainted in the little workshop (in Krasnodar,
Russia) in which I have worked and intiated this project, concluding
a period of two motnth work, now almost a year ago. The calm and
collected voice of all who participated was suddenly threatened,
breaking any claimes of my utopic 'artistic' ideals. Divorce,
disagreements and a threatening closure of the workshop, all
endangered the precarious voice that was to enchant the viewer the
moment it was finished.
almost a year later, the project is finally nearing completion.
Revealing more and more of the importance to work together in unison
in order to produce the desired outcome. The time it took encompassed
lots of changes in the design of the bell and redefinitions of the
project. What didn’t change was the title, which appeared, just
like the bell, to be a beacon and a form of meditation. Just like
'SOLO' in 2010, the anticipated result of this collected effort may
suprise each and everyone of us and might start a whole new story of
it's own.
2012 is a project by Gerb95,
Krasnodar and Christian
van der Kaap with
the support of Marina
Elenskaya, connecting
not only our difference in views but also the stretch in language.