ENSCHEDE – From being to becoming. About an act of necessity. About poverty and boredom but most of all about myself and what I don't understand. That one little less lonely day I purposefully vandalized the garage doors of my neighbours. On five of seven doors, which ungracious letters I had written my name since I could not find another word with meaning.
What while writing on every single door something in me changed. The very first letters being drawn were a little small but in a few strokes became bigger, abitious, blind and wild. Till I reached the fith and not the last door and atopped. When out of breath and with pain in my chest I realized the irrversibillity of my actions.
The meaning of my name is the consequence of my name. Thats why the neighbours hadn't take long to approve someone guilty. But see also that I was the first expression where I had shown myself five times larger than myself.
It was as if I had given away my name, for it to become something vulgar and hard and it resembled creases more than sings. And so I was confronted for the very first time with the temporality and value of art when my parents received the bill for repainting the garage doors.
And I do not now if I held myself responsible because I was convinced I was totally alone. Strangely capable of looking at myself with the nakedness of an object. That is my name.