Thursday, April 19, 2012
Freedom / Vulnerability, 2012
A marriage between Christian Albert Lucien van der Kaap, born 25.04.2989 in Enschede and Marina Elenskaya, 07/16/1983 born in Krasnodar, Russia in the English Reformed Church of the Begijnhof in Amsterdam 11.00 gather, 11.30 service
Making public that I was going to marry my girlfriend, people in my surrounding responded to telling us they wanted to be a part of it. A strange reaction in our opinion, because isn't marriage usually a bond between two people? Is the public present not merely a witness and apart from that share no active role in this. Why then their spontaneous reaction? I can only say how much I appreciate it and how it has inspired me as an artist to look at what this commitment means. How can our intimate promise inspire a community?
The 5th of may, Dutch liberation day it will be about belonging. Behind the busy Spui square, we will join in the Begijnhof to gather in silence. We let others speak, present and play to help us shape our intimate bond. It’s about freedom and vulnerability.
With: Margriet van der Kooi, Rory Pilgrim, UNDA foundation, Raphael Langmaier, Elsbeth Ciesluk, Isfrid Angard Siljehaug, and others